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What they said

Shida 01 rack

We're not the only ones to  experience the difference a
Shida platform can make. Check out the reviews.

"The Sugden power amp is sitting on your platform seven elastomers under it, big positive changes in the sonics, better pace, definition, coherence etc. Leading edge very good, always was, but now even better, toes are tapping. Very pleasing."
Jeremy Littlejohn

"A quick note before I take off to join the family for Christmas.

A big thank you for the care taken in the finishing of the shelf - it's very nicely made.

A quick listen confirmed that it has opened up the sound  - as in more detail, especially in the mids (vocals) ... a little more transparency, tonal colour and soundstage depth.

Your isolation system makes it all sound better!"

Alan Rothwell

"I started evaluating your platform under my CD Transport and it's definitely made a difference... most notable in bass extension and soundstaging."
Jeff Lyons

"Sure was a revelation, when I first heard it under my audio gear .

I would not use anything else now.

 The improvement to my $40,000 analog rig is just mind blowing."

Paul Burgess

“It’s a lot more clear. Space between instruments is enhanced - there’s a clarity that wasn’t there before.

Blue Monday is astonishing, as is
Dexter Gordon.”

Andrew Nicoll

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